Saturday, July 25, 2009

Financial Review

(Proudly) announces that my expenses for telephone calls and SMS increase 250% & or 2.5 times after getting married. yeaah..., thats the gift of long distance love. hehe
(tariik nafas..) (does it happen to you too, sayang? hehe)
Lets take a brief review. This is 10`o clock in the morning, which means 8 o`clock in Indonesia, and I already received 25 SMS from him. 8 am! And I sent him SMS more and less 25 sms too of course!

But im so thankful of this intense communication and relationship... just cant wait to meet each other!!!
so, where are we going next, sayang?? hehe...

-celebrate love


okta zaida said...


hooo... said...

yg dimaksud Mega dirimu to Ta???


okta zaida said...

she used the word 'him' >>sejak kapan aku berganti jenis kelamin??

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