Sunday, June 08, 2008

why do we pray 5 times a day?

"Sensei, why do we pray 5 times a day?" the question raised this morning.
The teacher smiled..., looked at to another teacher, this is a golden opportunity to convey the importance of prayer.. we must use the opportunity!
Soon her heart tell her "I pray because I need it. I need to talk to you God, I need it always"
The teacher knows that it`s may not the best answer.
Another teacher besides her whispered, "Because Allah asks us to do so".

And then she started to speak:
"We pray because we want to get close to Allah SWT. We want to be near to Allah. Those who are close to Allah, insyaAllah will have kind heart, won`t do any bad things. We will do good things. Allah will protect us from doing bad things. Another thing is Allah will protect us from any bad things, insyaAllah. Allah protection is with us anytime, anywhere, as we remember Allah"

While answering their students, she spoke to herself "Yes, sholat will protect us from doing bad things. Pray hard... pray hard! If you pray but still doing something bad, question your prayer!!!!"

Miracle happens everytime in that small kids quran class. Miracle which is not only touch your heart but strengthen your belief, insyaAllah.

Thank you, kids!

-Rasanya terharu sekali ketika membaca An-Naziat bareng2 dengan Munsif dan Aya hari ini. Kutatap dalam2 mata mereka, kalian calon2 penghafal al-Quran ku-

-aku rindu temen2 yg berlomba menambah hafalan T_T-

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