Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Hello from Sydney

 Alhamdulillah bisa menyapa di blog ini. Hello from Sydney! Yes, I have been travelling to Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, and then Sydney these past 2 weeks. I felt so relieved to have a bit me time, doing my first traveling after pandemic :D. Thats why i could write some words here too ( and because the Qantas flight is delayed for 7 hours too).

So these past 2 weeks, i had the whole time just for myself. Meeting friends, and  have a long conservation, exploring new places, trying new things, and eating delicious food! Well, it is the highlight, because during pandemic in the last 2 years, I was too busy to being a mom and wife. It is of course the best role i could have, but we need balance to do it better. Now i am ready to come back stronger and nicer hehe.

But before that, let me reflect what i have been experiencing these last 2 weeks through some photos below:

continue inshaAllah...

Lilypie Maternity tickers